1. Recall authorized “COVID-19 vaccines", “COVID-19 therapeutic drugs”, and “COVID-19 testing devices”, immediately or within 6 days.  

  2. Recall authorized “Smallpox vaccine" targeting the alleged “Monkeypox virus”, immediately or within 6 days. 

  3. Revoke COVID-19 emergency use authorization interim orders, immediately or within 6 days.

  4. Release all “COVID-19 vaccine" contracts without redacting any content, immediately or within 6 days. 

  5. Release a public statement affirming the withdrawal of all charges against people who did not comply with the COVID-19 Public Health Act, the Emergency Measures Act, and the Quarantine Act, immediately or within 6 days. Also, affirm in the statement that assets seized (if any) will be returned to owners and fines will be refunded within 60 days.
  6. Pay salaries of workers who were suspended due to unlawful “COVID-19 vaccine” mandate, within 3 months.

  7. Remove officeholders listed in Section E of this document, including Chief Justice of CANADA, and Prime Minister of CANADA, immediately or by April 30, 2023.

  8. Issue International arrest warrants for the executive teams of ASTRAZENECA, MODERNA, PFIZER, et al., for supplying CANADA with fraudulent "vaccines" that killed and injured many Canadians and millions of people worldwide, immediately or by April 30, 2023.

  9. Issue International Arrest Warrants for the executive teams of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION for declaring a false "pandemic" and fake "viruses", and recommending fraudulent "vaccines", immediately or by April 30, 2023. 

    • The false "pandemic" destroyed the health and wellbeing of many Canadians, and millions of people around the world.
    • Unnecessary world-wide lockdowns resulted in unemployment, bankruptcies of small and medium-sized businesses, and increased the debt of CANADA and of many Nations; and,
    • The fraudulent “vaccines” killed and injured countless of people world-wide.
  10. Cancel all contracts for approved vaccines on the immunization schedule, that shield vaccine manufacturers from liability for causing "vaccine" injury or death, immediately or by April 30, 2023.
    • Immunity from liability provides no incentive for manufacturers to deliver and guarantee effective and safe "vaccines", and exemption from liability obstructs public justice.

  11. Compensate the “vaccine” injured fairly for causing harm and suffering. Compensation to cover economic and non-economic damages for more than hundred million $100,000,000.00 Canadian dollars for each victim.

  12.  Recall any approved vaccine on the immunization schedule for children and adults, with no record describing the isolation of the targeted "virus" having been purified from a sample taken from a diseased patient, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e., monkey kidney cells also known as vero cells; and, liver cancer cells), immediately or by April 30, 2023.
  13. Recall any approved vaccine on the immunization schedule that has ingredients classified as poisons, carcinogens, toxins, neurotoxins, immune and nervous system disruptors, allergens, fertility inhibitors, sterilizing agents, DNA molecules of chimpanzees, et al., produced in genetically modified human embryonic kidney cells, grown in tissue culture taken from ABORTED FETUS, and synthetic RNA, immediately or by April 30, 2023.

  14. Recall any approved vaccine on the immunization schedule that has not been tested for carcinogenicity, toxicity, genotoxicity, mutagenicity, ability to impair fertility, and for long-term effects, immediately or by April 30, 2023. 

    • Vaccines must undergo the same level of safety testing as is required for all other pharmaceutical products. 
  15. Reject the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION's proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, immediately or by April 30, 2023. The proposed amendments aim to override the sovereign laws of nations and violate the Rights and Freedoms of people, by instituting a digital global health certificate.
  16. Reject the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION’ s proposed Convention, Agreement, or other International Instrument (CAII) on Pandemic Prevention Preparedness, Response, and Recovery (PPPRR), immediately or by April 30, 2023. 

    • The proposed agreement is a move by the organization to seize greater powers to control every aspect of life on earth, through the “One Health” surveillance systems.
    • The organization has signed a contract with DEUTSCHE TELEKOM subsidiary T-SYSTEMS, to build a software solution for global electronic verification of the "coronavirus" vaccination certificates. T-SYSTEMS stated that "The QR code-based software solution will be used for other “vaccinations” as well; and,
    • The organization has proven untrustworthy. They have a record of declaring false pandemics and fake “viruses”, and promoting fraudulent testing protocols and “vaccines”, that destroyed lives and disrupted economies of nations. 
  17. Revoke / Ban any Federal or Provincial Digital ID program immediately or by April 30, 2023. 

    • A Digital ID program will enable officials to access Our personal and financial information, and to intervene in Our affairs and place unjustified restrictions on Our Rights and Freedoms. Similar to the Social Credit System of the Communist Party of China, which uses its system of total surveillance to monitor, punish, and reward its People. 
    • We The People have witnessed Trudeau, et al. 's abuse of power by shutting down bank accounts of peaceful protestors and their supporters, who rejected the unlawful “vaccine” mandates.
    • With a Digital ID program, it would have been more convenient for Trudeau, et al. to punish all protestors across Canada, before they could reach Ottawa. So, BAN the Digital ID program. 
  18. Revoke BRITISH COLUMBIA's Bill 36 immediately or by April 30, 2023. Bill 36 violates health practitioners' Right to bodily autonomy, and patients' Right to informed consent. The Bill is inconsistent with the Canadian Bill of Rights, and the Constitution Acts: 

    • "Bill 36 will give the BC Minister of Health the ability to appoint College Boards who are then required to pass bylaws mandating vaccines for any illness the government chooses as a condition of license, and creating an environment of censorship where if you challenge the government’s position on anything you will face discipline and potentially lose your license. It also allows the College to determine who has good character and who doesn’t and to define informed consent. This is legislation you would typically see in a communist or a police state, not in a democracy." stated, the Honourable A. Brian Peckford. 

    • "[Bill 36] enables the College to make “without notice” applications to the court to obtain orders of compliance, orders for entry into premises to search, seize or copy property, orders to secure premises and prevent an owner from entry, to order fines for non-compliance of up to $200,000, as well as to order jail time for up to 6 months if a healthcare worker is deemed to have made a false or misleading statement." stated, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.
  19. Revoke Bill C-11 (Online Streaming Act) immediately or by April 30, 2023. The new legislation aims to control what We see, hear, and say on the internet. Evidently, Bill C-11 (Online Streaming Act)  is a threat to Our Freedom of Speech: 

    • The Chair of the CANADIAN RADIO-TELEVISION AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CRTC), admitted that Bill C-11 can be used to pressure internet platforms into manipulating their algorithms;
    • “Bill C-11 would require YouTube to manipulate these systems, and surface content according to the CRTC’s priorities, rather than the interests of Canadian users. Put into practice, this means that when viewers come to the YouTube homepage, they’re served content that a Canadian Government regulator has prioritized, rather than content they are interested in” stated, Neal Mohan - YouTube’s Chief Product Officer; and, 
    • We The People have experienced Big Tech's manipulation of their algorithms to promote health officials’ false claim that “COVID-19 vaccines" are "safe and effective". Officials and Big Tech have colluded to censor anyone who speaks against the "vaccines": 
    Content Creators’ channels / accounts got suspended or terminated on social media platforms, for exposing the false “pandemic”, and ASTRAZENECA, MODERNA, PFIZER, et al.’s "vaccine" fraud, and "COVID-19 vaccine" injuries.

    So, revoke Bill C-11 (Online Streaming Act)  that aims to violate Our Freedom of Speech on social media. Under the guise of serving “the needs and interests of all Canadians” and, ensuring “the discoverability of Canadian programs”.

Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation
must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.

 Benjamin Franklin



Click here to download the Notice of Liability also known as The Great Recall


 Published: March 28, 2023